Oil to Gas Conversions

Oil to Gas Conversions

We Make the Switch Easy

Want to save up to 40% on your heating costs every month? Or maybe you’re tired of burning through so much oil just to keep you and your family members comfortable. We don’t blame you. Kennedy's Plumbing & Heating can help you upgrade your heating system to a top-of-the-line gas system, saving you up to 70% with oil prices at $4 per gallon.

Switch to a gas system and start seeing savings in terms of your heating, hot water, air conditioning, and insulation.

Enjoy greater efficiency, state rebates, and much more

If a gas line needs to be installed in your home, don’t hesitate to contact us to get a competitive quote on our services. The site visit is quick and convenient, taking approximately 20 minutes. Many power companies provide benefits like state rebates ranging from $600 to $2,000, as well as low-interest financing so you can make the switch to gas.

With so many reasons to convert from oil to gas, we encourage any homeowner in the Hartford, CT area to reach out to us if they have any interest in making the switch. We would be happy to go over your options with you.

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